Providing personalised
strategic tax advice

What our clients say

“We are both quite elderly and Elaine visited us twice at home. She was very thorough and explained clearly, patiently and kindly the complex interaction between CLTs, PETs, lifetime transfers, death transfers and how IHT is calculated. Elaine wrote a tactful letter to our solicitor who eventually acknowledged the mistake, they have agreed to reimburse my costs in resolving the matter.”

Verified client via VouchedFor from Dorset

“Elaine has been invaluable with the advice she has been giving me and we are still in the process of working through some detailed and complex tax matters. Elaine has been proactive throughout the entire process, nudging me along to keep the momentum.”

Verified client via VouchedFor from Somerset

“Elaine is more than simply a tax advisor. She has provided me and my family with first rate guidance and advice, whilst also being a warm and compassionate person.”

Verified client via VouchedFor from Devon

“We have been working with Elaine for a number of years now. Elaine has a wide breadth and depth of knowledge alongside a commercial outlook and an exceptional attention to detail. Elaine constantly helps us by being up to date with frequent tax changes and provide advice which is tailored to our business.”

Verified client via VouchedFor from Somerset

“I was looking for someone who knew about land. Elaine helped work out the CG implications and gave me options to mull over, she was extremely efficient when we decided which route to take.”

Verified client via VouchedFor from Buckinghamshire

“How has Elaine helped you? With clarity and great advice.”

Verified client via VouchedFor from London


Our tax advice service offering is split into three core areas. If you do not see a service that fits your needs, please get in touch and we will do our best to assist.

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If you wish to discuss your tax affairs with us, please contact us to arrange a call for a future date.


Here you will find a library of articles for you to read at your leisure. Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.